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Established in 1967 as a box-making company, our focus on growth, development, and innovation has allowed us to progress continuously and keep pace with industry changes. This journey led to expanding our production chain, including the addition of a corrugator line for making corrugated cardboard.

We have earned the trust of clients for nearly 60 years, allowing us to consistently improve and strengthen our commercial offerings across all industries.

Our strengths have always been, and continue to be, quality, speed, punctuality, design expertise, and “custom” packaging consultancy, ensuring we can meet every customer requirement.


Our entrepreneurial vision

Our work is rooted in the tradition of Italian entrepreneurship: the ability to create jobs, pass on knowledge and expertise, attract and nurture talent, and contribute to national growth. This is the foundation of our entrepreneurial action, aimed at passing these values onto future generations to equip them with the skills to navigate the world deliberately.

As a company, we focus on creating products tailored to the needs of our clients. We do so by designing state-of-the-art packaging that preserves the product’s characteristics and ensures sustainability within a circular economy model.

Our history

Key milestones in Centro Imballaggi’s history
1967 - Nascita dello scatolificio SICO
1982 - Nasce la nuova linea ondulatore
1984 - Nasce la Centro Imballaggi S. r. l.
1990 - Nuovo stabilimento produttivo di 10000 mq.
2018 - Nuova linea ondulatore
2023 - Installazione nuovo fustellatore e nuovi casemaker

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digital agency greenbubble